Pee-can or Puh-con? (and new recipe #1 for January)

Recently Alan brought home a bag of nuts from his Grandad's farm in NC.  Of course I dug right into them and immediately said "these Puh-cons are delicous".  Alan immediately followed with "the what?  you mean the Pee-cans are good?"  And so the pronunciation debate began! 

Regardless of what we called them we had a whole bag and couldn't stand the thought of them going bad, so the recipe hunt began.  I decided to work them into my Christmas baking (and my 30 Things by Thirty list) and quickly settled on a cookie called Danish Wedding Cookie.  I have a friend who loves these cookies and since I had never made them before I thought it was a good opportunity to surprise her with some for Christmas break.

I have to admit, they are probably the easiest cookie I've ever made.  Very few ingredients, bake quickly and come out delish!  I took a plate of them to the friend who inspired the recipe trial and awaited her response.  I warned her that I had never made them before or even ever had a Danish Wedding Cookie, so I wasn't sure what they were supposed to taste like.  She quickly gave me her approval by stuffing them one after another in her mouth while talking about how much better they were than any others she had tried.

So there you have it, whenever there is a disagreement on what to call them, put them in this cookie and everyone's mouths will stay so full it won't matter how you say it!

Click here for the recipe.


Veronica Lee said...

Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
Have a nice day!

Valerie said...

Hi Veronica! Thanks for stopping by!
