New Year's, Savannah Style

Last year Alan and I had more than two weeks off work at the end of the year.  We spent a lot of time relaxing, eating out and sleeping in.  We also conquered a lot of those items on the to do list that we never seem to have time for.  So, by the time New Years came around, we were ready for some fun and we were looking for somewhere warm!  We had talked about Florida but as we kept watching the weather we realized we were going to have to go all the way to the Keys to get anything warmer than what we were expecting in Atlanta. And, as much as we love the Keys, we weren't looking at a trip that was long enough to let us to head that far south.  So, Friday morning we woke up, and as we were enjoying our coffee and the morning news, we noticed that the weather on the GA coast was 10 degrees warmer than ATL.  Alan made a few calls about hotel rooms, we threw stuff in suitcases and headed to Savannah!

It was in the mid 70's the whole weekend and we took advantage of every minute of warm sunshine.

We perused River St, shopped on Broughton, strolled through the beautiful architecture that is everywhere and enjoyed all the food and drink that Savannah has to offfer! We even rang in the NY at City Market.

Hanging out on River St.

However, the highlight of the trip was the way we spent NYE day.  We rented a kayak and headed out to spend the afternoon on the water.

It was amazing to wind our way through the waterways and sneak up on all kinds of wildlife. We saw all types of birds and even a playful dolphin who loved circling the area.

The fresh air and sunshine were certainly relaxing.

And it was the perfect way to send out 2011.

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